On-page SEO is optimizing your website to be found by people searching for specific keywords, thereby increasing your visibility and improving rankings in Google.
This article will discuss the essentials for on-page SEO in 2022.
The search engines will be changing a lot. The algorithms are changing to adapt to the new and better ways of searching. This article is a good introduction for beginners. It covers all aspects of on-page SEO from a beginner’s perspective, which is essential for improving your website visibility on the world wide web and succeed online.
1. Put your Keyword in your First 100 Words
Your keyword should be in the first 100 words of your article or post.
2. Make Sure Your Web Design is Responsive
Google started penalizing mobile unfriendly sites in 2022. And they're likely to crack down even more in the future. If you want to make your site mobile-friendly, you need to invest in responsive design.
3. Link to External Sites
This is an easy SEO tactic to increase your traffic.
These links to related pages help Google work out what your page is about. And shows that your site is a center for high-quality information.
Make sure you like high-quality sites.
Remember to include external links in all your posts.
4. Make Sure Your Site Loads Quickly
Page loading speed is an SEO ranking signal. You can boost your site's speed by using CDNs, compressing your images, minimizing your Javascript and CSS, and using a faster web host.
You want your web pages to load in 3 seconds or less. Any longer, you will lose visitors.
Check out your web page load time with GTMetrix.com or alternative resources.
5. Use Internal Links
Internal linking is a great way to keep visitors to your site. Boost all your website statistics. And signal to Google your site is full of great quality engaging content. Use 2-3 in every post.
6. Include LSI Keywords in Your Content
LSI keywords are synonyms for the keywords you are trying to rank for. It helps you avoid keyword stuffing. Make sure you include them in every article or post. The longer your articles and posts, the less you need to worry about containing these words as they should occur naturally. That's why I recommend you write articles and post with at least 800 words in them.
7. Optimize Your Images
Include your keyword in your image file. And make sure you include your keyword in your alt tag.
This helps search engines better understand your page and can help improve your search engine rankings.
8. Use Social Sharing Buttons
Include easy-to-use social sharing buttons on your website.
The more your content is shared, the more people will view your content. Search engines consider social shares when ranking your website. So, the more shares, the better.
9. Post-Long Content
Post long content as part of your SEO strategy. Aim for 1890 words for every article or post you publish.
Longer content is rewarded with a better rank for your target keyword. And as a bonus, it also brings in more traffic from long-tail keywords.
10. Use SEO-Friendly URLs
Google prefers short, simple URLs.
They also give more weight to your URL's first 3-5 words. Mention your keyword early in the URL.
Make sure you always have your target keyword in your URL.
You want URLs like this:
Not URLs like this:
11. Make Sure Your Title Tags Start With a Keyword
Having correct title tags is the most important part of your on-page SEO.
The closer your keyword is to the beginning of the title tag, the more weight it will receive from search engines. And in turn, the more of a boost it will give you in the search engine rankings.
12. Add Descriptive Words to Your Title
Add words like "complete", "new", "2022", "best", "guide", and "review" to your title tags.
Doing this can help you rank for long-tail versions of your target keyword.
13. Use H1 Tags for The title of Your Articles And Blog Posts
H1 Tags are there for headlines. This is the title of your Article or Blog Post. Make sure your headline is always wrapped in an H1 Tag.
Most content management systems do this automatically. For example, WordPress. Double-check this is the case; if it is not, get one that does.
14. Include Multimedia in Your Content
Plain text can only do so much to engage more visitors to your website. Using infographics, images, videos, and diagrams can reduce your bounce rate and increase the time spent on your site.
Boosting these statistics can be a great part of your SEO strategy to boost your search engine rankings.
15. Use H2 Tags for Your Subheadings
H2 Tags are there for subheadings. H2 tags are given more weight. So, include your target keyword at least once inside H2 tags.
16. Increase Dwell Time
Dwell Time is basically how long somebody stays on your site if someone hits their back button or closes your page immediately after arriving on your website. It signals to Google that your page is of a low quality. And will adversely affect your search engine ranking.
You can boost your dwell time by writing long, quality, engaging content. Remember to write for humans and aim for 1890 words for each of your articles or blog posts.
17. Encourage Comments on Your Blog
Google said that having a thriving community through blog comments on your site can help "a lot" with rankings. When you get comments on your blog, always reply and start building a dialogue with your blog readers. This will build trust, boost your on-page SEO efforts and increase the number of new patients visiting your practice.
18. Quality Content
Quality content is king.
Search engines assess the quality of your content through a variety of methods.
They take notice of your dwell time. The time on your site, the number of Google searches for your company, the number of repeat visitors you have, and the number of bookmarks your site has received.
Keep publishing great content on a consistent schedule.
19. Maximize Your Click Through Rate
Remember, ranking is not the end of the battle. When you are listed in an organic search, you still need somebody to click on your site. Ensure that your meta description is enticing enough for a search engine user to click on your site and enter your sales process.
Good luck with your on-page SEO journey!